Not Worthless

By Daniel Garner


"The way of the righteous is level, the path of the righteous that you make [Lord] is straight" - Isaiah 26: 7

"Darkness comes. In the middle of it, the future looks blank. The temptation to quit is huge. Don't. You are in good company... You will argue with yourself that there is no way forward. But with God, nothing is impossible. He has more ropes and ladders and tunnels out of pits than you can conceive. Wait. Pray without ceasing. Hope." - John Piper



One of the most tragic things for me to witness in my life is whenever a person loses hope.

Guys, life is hard.

It doesn't matter how rich you are or beautiful you are or smart you are life is still hard and each presents its own challenges. Also, and this is important, there is ALWAYS hope. And one of the biggest obstacles to keeping it is blaming others for your woes or believing that you're owed something because life is hard.

Maybe it's not you who's losing or lost hope but someone else you love. If that is the case then feeling upset isn't out of the realm of possibilities! In those cases, show them why they should care and on a long enough timeline, they will.

Don't be upset with yourself if you feel jaded whenever they don't. That's normal. And more importantly: Human.

Isaiah 26: 7 says, "The way of the righteous is level, the path of the righteous that you make is straight." There are times that people misunderstand God and living as a Christian as meaning live is easy. And as less potentially hurtful that may make life, it's just not the case. But what it does mean is that even when everything in our lives is burning down around us we have the very Creator of the Universe right next to us! Life doesn't necessarily mean that bad things stop happening whenever we become Christians but it does make difficult times easier to endure. It also doesn't always mean that life gets easy but it does mean that life can get easier because of the Lord's help. Whenever mistakes are bad they don't show show as testament to us being worthless. In fact, if we're able to learn from them then in the long run we can use them to be worthful, not worthless! 

There's always a choice. And the ability to be humble enough to set aside your fear of being humbled is what will make the difference to you and those in your life in the end. 


The Takeaway: At the end of the day staying jaded for something is the quickest way to staying unhappy. No one else breathes our air for us and while God does have a plan for us all it's up to us to meet Him halfway!