Stand Strong

By Daniel Garner

“Those who say they live in God should live their lives like Jesus did” - 1  John 2: 6

 "In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock" - Thomas Jefferson


There are a lot of people who feel so defeated so often in their lives that they feel powerless to not just make a positive impact on the world, but to make a positive impact in even their own lives. Ones who feel to weak and without strength they are stuck on autopilot as they go through life.

You don't have to be one of them!

We don't have all the answers. And we don't have to. We don’t have to be the strongest or the most intelligent or even the best looking or richest. We think we do, the world tells us that we do, but we don’t. We don’t have to have all of the answers because we serve a God who does!

Sometimes the biggest victories we have come from simply deciding to finally take a stand, no matter how small.

And times like that are some of the most important and defining moments of our lives. Make or break moments, do or die.

Those times are times for us to be an example to others. To stand strong, even when we don’t know if we can (Hint: You can). No matter what side of any aisle of any issue we are on. Maybe you’re in one of those times right now. Maybe you have a friend who is.

Whatever you do when you’re in one of those moments, choose love. Love does not make anyone do something against their right of conscience, regardless of what it is. Love does not demand, love does not punish, love does not gloat. Love simply loves. And it’s in us loving each other that we can show huge amounts of strength. Sometimes the true test of strength is letting go, even if it’s something we’ve felt for a long time.

If we demand a victory for everything in life, then we will always have a loser. Don't look to just win. Seek reconciliation. Seek to heal. Love. Seek to live the life Christ wants us to live. 1 John 2: 6 says: “Those who say they live in God should live their lives like Jesus did.” All we need to do is simply respect and love.

The Takeaway: Stand in the footsteps of Christ. Stand strong. And choose an optimistic future. Choose one that loves, not simply desires to win!