Lovin' You

By Daniel Garner


"And now these three remain-faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"- 1 Corinthians 13: 13.

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is to great a burden to bear"- Martin Luther King, Jr.


So I've noticed a trend in some people I've met along the way. You know how you should never grocery shop when you're hungry? 
Yeah I've kinda noticed that about dating. 
Guys, loneliness is a terrible motivator. 
If you're lonely maybe look inward and work on that.....and not risk the relationship equivalent of passing by a Joes Good ol' Sushi and Gas Stop starving at 3:00 in the morning.

At one time or another each one of us has confused infatuation with love. We get attracted to each other, all the warm fuzzies begin multiplying and the butterflies start flying in your stomach. If you're like some of my friends in Junior High you'd write both of your names with little hearts around them (and still do) and think about name of babies. 

But there's a difference between infatuation and love.

And that is this: We don't fall into love. We fall into infatuation.

We grow in love. 

Sometimes that can be a pretty hard thing to differentiate, and that's okay, but finding a way to tell a difference and live it can be one of the most important things we do in our life. How many of us know someone who has gotten divorced before? Or even twice? Or maybe someone who is married but you know deep down they're miserable? 

There's no cutting corners on those. It's rough and it hurts. And, sadly, sometimes there's no avoiding those situations. But what we can do is help lessen the percentage of those things happening by understanding ourselves more and what true love really is.

At the end of the day infatuation is jumping a chasm hoping someone will reach out their hand to you. True love, however, is knowing that someone will. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13: 13: "And now these three remain-Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love". Love is a driving force in our lives and others. Our love for each other, our love for our lives, and most importantly, God's love for us. And it is God's love for us that serves as our role model for what true love really is!

The Takeaway:  As wonderful as the movies make it out to be, romance and love isn't created by stringing together sweet and nice sounding things to say and do. Love is forged. Remember: We don't fall into love, we fall into infatuation. We grow in love!